Mutual benefits key to co-existence
Posted on October 23rd, 2013
Central Queensland needs to start setting the agenda – not working to it.
This was one of the messages to come from the Co-Existence Forum hosted by Fitzroy Basin Association in Rockhampton last week.
FBA CEO Paul Birch said to be successful co-existence needs to be mutually beneficial and CQ needs to lead the way.
“For this to occur we have to ensure win/win rather than win/lose scenarios and this can only be done through mutually beneficial arrangements,” Mr Birch said.
“With 80% of the State’s coal mines and 60% of the State’s gas wells operating or planned for the CQ region and up to 90% of the land used for agriculture, it is clear that CQ needs to drive the agenda for co-existence.
“Accordingly the board of FBA will strive to establish a program involving land holders, community groups, resources, developers, traditional owners and government to develop guidelines for a program that will be beneficial to all parties.
“We know Co-Existence isn’t a new term and that similar programs exist in one form or another however they lack a vital ingredient – the need for arrangements to be beneficial to all parties,” he said.
Over 80 people attended the forum and heard from four speakers representing agriculture, resources, community and research.
Throughout the forum speakers also commented that it is essential for all parties to have open communication and listen carefully and attentively to what other people are saying as without this mutually beneficial co-existence cannot occur.