Marine Turtle report: a first for the region!
Posted on December 8th, 2015
In a first for the Capricorn and Curtis coasts, Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) has released a report on the status of the region’s marine turtles.
FBA Senior Project Officer Shannon van Nunen said the concerted effort by members of the community to monitor marine turtles to inform the report was invaluable.
The region’s waters, beaches and islands provide foraging and nesting habitat for four of Australia’s six species of marine turtles which are either Vulnerable to extinction or Endangered.
“Having region-specific information about the status of marine turtle species that nest and forage here is very important in directing our priorities, and this report helps us to do that,” Mr van Nunen said.
“The communities of the Capricorn and Curtis coasts helped us gather valuable information about location and dates of marine turtle nesting attempts, and we’re very grateful for the community’s support.”
Ecosure was engaged to prepare the Marine Turtle Summary Report and was supported by FBA through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.
Mr van Nunen said the report enables FBA to assess opportunities to contribute to the conservation and management of turtle nesting areas and to prioritise funding allocations to ensure that the best conservation outcomes are achieved. The report can be accessed at www.fba.org.au/portfolio/marine-turtles/
“This year we are again calling on the community to help monitor the beaches for turtle tracks, which are tell-tale signs that a turtle has either nested, or attempted to nest, in the area,” Mr van Nunen said.
“The more people who can help us monitor the region’s beaches during the nesting season of December to February, the better our understanding of the specific threats these species face in our region.”
Marine turtle nests are very fragile and easily damaged. If you come across a nest or tracks, please report it as soon as practical to local marine turtle consultant Karl French on 0422 185 110 or email karlfrench@hotmail.com.
Community members are reminded that they should not disturb nests and that it is unlawful to do so -the future of marine turtles depend on the success of these nests.
For more information about the FBA marine turtle monitoring project, or to access the report, visit www.fba.org.au or call (07) 4999 2800.