Healthy soils secrets at the bottom of a pit
Posted on May 6th, 2014
Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) will run another series of Productive Soils Field Days for central Queensland graziers after an overwhelming response to last year’s field days.
FBA’s CEO Paul Birch said last year’s field days were in high demand so FBA is building on that enthusiasm by offering them again this year to allow more graziers to learn how fostering productive soils is vital for a resilient grazing business in any climate.
“Four field days will be held across the Fitzroy Basin region in Capella, Blackwater, Wycarbah and Belmont from 12-15 May,” Mr Birch said.
“Guest presenter Bruce Alchin will again share his knowledge about innovative and cost-effective solutions to enhance soil productivity that in turn foster positive effects on forage,” he said.
Field days are being provided free of charge and are supported by FBA through funding from the Queensland Government. The Queensland Government is committed to the productive and responsible use of the State’s natural resources.
Mr Birch said Bruce is a rangelands management consultant and will be using a soil pit to discuss soil layers and the effect soil has on growing grass.
“He combines robust science with a practical approach to deliver innovative and cost-effective rehabilitation and grazing management solutions.
“The field days offer graziers an opportunity to learn how to recognize the type and properties of soils that are on their properties, as well as gaining an understanding of the importance and function of productive soils.
“Bruce will also be covering soil fertility, organic matter, water infiltration and more as well as teaching graziers how to ‘read’ the country in relation to sustainability and productivity.
“Attendees are encouraged to bring along a soil report from their property, if they have one. Also, if they have soil concerns on their property they are encouraged to let us know when they RSVP,” he said.
For more information or to RSVP for a Blackwater, Belmont and Wycarbah field days, contact Janeen Whiting on 4921 0573 or admin@frcc.org.au or for the Capella field day, contact Sally Murden on 4982 2996 or admin@chrrup.org.au.
Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Attendees should bring their own chair and wear sun smart clothing.
Media enquiries: contact Samantha Hansen on 0417 273 695 or email samantha.hansen@fba.org.au.