Shorebird Migration Teacher PD – Free Resource!
Posted on June 6th, 2022

Migratory Shorebirds travel up 10,000km every year to rest and refuel on our beaches during September to April before heading back to the Arctic for breeding season. These amazing little birds play integral part in our coastal food webs however their population and existence is under threat due to human disturbances. Seven of the species found on CQ beaches are listed as either vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered.
Join us for a 1hr PD session with Shorebird extraordinaire Allan Briggs as he covers the Year 6 short unit ‘Shorebird Migration’ developed by FBA and BirdLife Capricornia. The unit was developed to align with current curriculum and can be adapted to other year levels.
The resource contains a number of case studies and activities which cover shorebird breeding, migration and decline in their population.
Curriculum strands achieved in this resource includes
- Science & Understanding – biological science ACSSU094
- Science Inquiry Skills – questioning and predicting ACSIS232; planning and conducting ACSIS103 & ACSIS104; processing and analysing data and information ACSIS107 & ACSIS221; evaluating ACSIS108, communication ACSIS110
Wednesday 15 June
3:30pm – 4:30pm
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School (sign-in via the office)
Bonus… afternoon tea provided!
To RSVP or find out more contact
Brooke Lacey – Science Engagement Officer
07 4999 2858