FLOW celebrates their fifth birthday
Posted on March 28th, 2017
Today Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) welcomed Sacred Heart students to celebrate FLOW Visitors Centre’s fifth birthday.
Five years ago this Yeppoon school were one of the first to walk through the doors of FLOW; a fun, free and interactive space designed to educate visitors and locals on CQ’s natural assets.
Since FLOW’s opening in March 2012 more than 20,000 people including 6000 students, 51 schools and 14,000 international, national and local visitors have travelled into the interactive, educational space that is FLOW.
FBA Chief Executive Officer Paul Birch said FLOW has built a strong reputation for delivering important environmental messages in an innovative and engaging way.
“FLOW is the only centre of its kind in Queensland, sharing the learnings of FBA’s programs in a unique way that has seen the centre and it’s FLOW on the Go program welcome new schools every year,” Mr Birch said
“This year FLOW on the Go is planning to go to Gladstone. Last year they took their resources to schools in Ubobo, Builyan, Tannum Sands, Clermont, Blackwater, Mt Murchison, Goovigen, Capella, Emerald and Biloela,” he said.
Sacred Heart teacher Sally Hebron said including a visit to FLOW is an automatic inclusion for her science program.
“From the messages FLOW shares about waterways, wetlands and coastal areas to the knowledgeable and interesting way they deliver the information, the students get so much out of a visit to FLOW,” Ms Hebron said.
“Visiting FLOW inspires our students to go home and implement small changes that make a big difference to the environment in their own backyards,” she said.
Paul Birch said it wasn’t just students getting inspired by FLOW.
“It’s great to see international, national and local guests embracing FLOW and finding out more about the beauty of our region and the work FBA is doing with our partners to protect it,” Mr Birch said.
“FLOW passionately deliver our messages as we strive to protect our natural assets and build the capacity of our community to care for our land and waterways into the future.
“FBA look forward to FLOW Visitors Centre growing, evolving and continuing to share our important messages,” he said.
If you would like more information about FLOW contact us at flow@fba.org.au