Fitzroy Women in Grazing (FWIG) forging their identity in CQ
Posted on June 20th, 2019
A group of women in the Fitzroy region, who hail from diverse businesses and represent some of our most successful enterprises, have recently formed Fitzroy Women in Grazing (FWIG) – to connect, support and share.
The group, at their inaugural meeting in Theodore, spoke passionately about the future of the grazing industry in CQ. Importantly, they focused upon what changes needed to be made in the local industry now, to feel the impact in the future.
Coordinated by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc., through funding by the Queensland Government’s Reef Water Quality program, the group is encouraging the network to address industry issues and advocate for regional and rural women.
The group, currently still in it’s infancy, explored ideas of sharing resources and enhancing efficiencies such as office and administrative systems in their businesses. Some participants also spoke about the rise of Virtual Assistants (VA) in agriculture, and how it can ease pressures traditionally placed on the shoulders of women.
FBA’s Regional Extension Coordinator Katie Crozier said the formation of the group was an opportunity for the involved women to shape the group into a resource best suited to their local needs.
“Women play a vital role in family and business dynamics,” she said.
“We are hoping this group will provide a platform for like-minded women to support and learn from one another, engage in training and, ultimately, improve their grazing businesses.”
With the advance of technology in rural businesses, the topic of training was a dominant theme at the meeting. A common sentiment shared was that the perception of receiving training is rapidly evolving in agriculture, with more landholders valuing training as an ongoing investment into their business. A desire to see more training delivered in revolutionary ways was also discussed.
The group has ignited an exciting prospect to further connect our communities and share ideas for the betterment of the industry.
This program is supported by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc and the Enhanced Extension Coordination program, which is funded by the Queensland Government Reef Water Quality program.