Feral Animal Roadshow a Success!
Posted on November 28th, 2022
Check your gear, know your gear and take the time to learn best practice was the take-home message from our Feral Animal Workshop held at Blackwater last week. The workshop was part of an FBA Feral Animal Roadshow stopping at – Moranbah, Clermont, Rolleston and Injune.
Attendees at the Blackwater event learnt about trapping with Jordy Oostom (from Northern Trapping) and Darren Pointon (from Out N About Trapping and Outfitters) as well as electric fencing options with Stewart Greggor (from Gallagher Animal Management).

Jordy and Darren have over 50 years of industry experience between them in a large variety of landscapes and seasons and share a passion for the art of trapping.

“I enjoy these workshops because years ago someone took the time to show me how to do it, and I thought if they can take the time to show me, well why can’t we do that,” said Darren.
Both Darren and Jordy agreed that teaching best practice is not only cost-effective for landholders, it also gets the most effective results.
“Using bad practice methods teaches the wild dogs how to avoid or escape trapping methods and makes the whole exercise harder than it needs to be,” said Jordy.

Wild Dog
Jordy continued saying his tip of the day is to, “be punctual with setting traps, check your gear and don’t rush it”.

FBA’s Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF) Officer, Sheree Johnston, organised the roadshow. “In my RALF role, I work with land managers across the Fitzroy region. Feral animals cost land managers time and money. These events are a fantastic opportunity for land managers to refresh their best practice pest management skills and work with their neighbours to collaborate on solutions,” she said.
It was a huge day of learning and networking with lots of notes taken throughout the day. Landholder Lynelle Newmann was blown away by the workshop and was happy to have helped it proceed by hosting at Countryco Blackwater.
“The day was fantastic, we’ve had so much great feedback come through the store around the event,” said Lynelle.
Wild dogs cost the agriculture industry an average of $89.3 million per year and it’s not just graziers feeling these affects. Wild dogs have been known to cause damage to infrastructure on cane farms as well. They also have environmental and social impacts in many places across Australia and harbour and transmit diseases that can infect animals and humans.
“It was great to see such high interaction at an event among landholders. It’s not every day you see so many full notebooks at an event,” said Darren.
No doubt there will now be some great trapping and fencing practices being applied throughout CQ.

This event is supported by Fitzroy Basin Association through funding by the Queensland and Australian Government as part of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.