FBA’s 2022 Volunteer Thank you Event
Posted on July 5th, 2022
FBA works with hundreds of volunteers every year. Without them, many projects we undertake would not have the same impact. In late June we held a special Thank You event to celebrate the people who donate their time to help our region’s special places and species.
Twenty-five volunteers joined the event held at the Capricorn Caves, they explored the natural wonders or went on a rainforest regeneration tour had a delicious morning tea and met like-minded people.

Steve Elson, Carmen Reilly and PK Mitchell were formally recognised during the event for their outstanding efforts over the last year. Their contributions will be outlined in our 2021-2022 Annual Report – which will be released later this year.
Local Artist Amber Countryman Arts surprised FBA’s Community Participation Officer, Bethlea Bell, with a watercolour rendering of a Tectaria Devexa fern. This endangered species has been propagated at Capricorn Caves thanks to an FBA Community Grant and Bethlea’s support. The watercolour now sits in pride of place on Bethlea’s desk.

FBA is extremely grateful for the many amazing people we work with to deliver on-ground action. If you would like to donate time to help your local environment check out this webpage, our event calendar or get in contact with Bethlea – 07 4999 2832 or bethlea.bell@fba.org.au
This event was funded by the Australian Government.