FBA Update – April 2020
Posted on April 30th, 2020

Season 2 of our podcast The Ripple Effect has landed
Driving a tractor, heading into town, or stuck in isolation? The first episode, in our second podcast series, explores how understanding the behaviour of water on your property can help keep you hydrated year-round. Listen to Stuart Andrews from Tarwyn Park Training and his philosophy on how to harvest sunshine and gravity!

Remote Livestock Management Systems – Case Study
Three central Queensland grazing enterprises have trialled an innovative Remote Livestock Management System (RLMS) focusing on reducing sediment loss and increasing productivity. All project participants were located in the Fitzroy Basin on different land types and with different management systems in place. This case study explores each participant’s experience with the RLMS system.

2019-2020 Team Turtle CQ Season Snap Shot
The 2019-2020 nesting and hatching season has been one of the busiest yet with more volunteers capturing more data than ever before. Learn more about this fantastic group of volunteers and the work they have done on the Curtis and Capricorn Coast!

Fall armyworm is an exotic pest that has been detected in Queensland. Known to feed on more than 350 plant species the worm has caused significant economic losses overseas.
The Queensland Government’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is alerting Queensland landholders to be on the lookout for any signs of the worm.

Nicole Masters workshop for improved CQ soils
Last month 40 enthusiastic CQ landholders congregated in Banana to learn from the internationally acclaimed soil expert Nicole Masters.
Nicole Masters is an independent agroecologist, systems thinker and educator. With over 20 years’ experience, she is a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker on the topic of soil health. Learn more about the workshop and some of the top take-aways in our latest blog.

New Resource Library
We are proud to announce that our new resource library is officially live. Located on our website, the library is filled with educational videos, case studies, guidebooks, useful links, templates and much more.
Resources have been specially crafted for central Queensland landholders, volunteers and community members with new elements uploaded weekly.
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