2013-14 Annual Report available now
Posted on October 21st, 2014
According to Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) Chairman Ian MacGibbon ongoing dry conditions have had a significant impact on graziers and farmers across the Fitzroy Basin in 2013/14.
Despite this he believes a great proportion of land managers are thinking long term and have committed to improving their practices by undertaking on-ground work to improve water quality and protect the Great Barrier Reef.
FBA Chief Executive Officer Paul Birch said that more than $11 million was invested in the Fitzroy Basin in 2013/14 to improve water quality, foster on-ground best management practices, protect special plants and animals, manage pests, restore land and care for wetlands and creeks.
The 2013/14 Annual Report outlines the range of highlights, programs, projects and achievements for FBA for the year. [list type=circle_list]
- 226 kilometres of streams and creeks protected
- 433 hectares of beach cleared of marine debris
- 1,381 land managers attended best management practice workshops, received training in computer mapping, GPS and pasture budgeting skills
- 105 projects completed to reduce erosion and/or improve water quality
- 10 hectares of weed control undertaken at Fitzroy River Turtle nesting banks
- 3 school based indigenous trainees completing Certificate 2 in Conservation and Land Management
- and much more.
Click here to download the Annual Report to find out about water quality, protected species, wetlands, flood recovery, FLOW Visitor Centre, Best Management Practices and the full range of FBA projects.