Earth Day (22/04/22)
Posted on April 21st, 2022

April 22 is International Earth Day, a day dedicated to promoting harmony with nature and the earth. The Earth Day 2022 theme is ‘Invest In Our Planet’. It is a great opportunity to recognize and appreciate that the Earth and its ecosystems are our home and learn how we can mend, rebuild, and sustain a healthy planet.
“You can not get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
– Dr Jane Goodall
Great Teaching Resources:
You can find an abundance of information and resources on the Earth Day website. The website also contains activities and opportunities used to encourage individuals to take the step towards a healthier planet. There is an education library containing amazing resources such as toolkits, lesson plans and quizzes starting from beginner to advanced levels.
The Restore Our Earth Climate Education Toolkit is a great toolkit that explores five topics; ecosystem services, the carbon cycle, food sustainability, ecosystem restoration and civic engagement, providing actions that can be taken individually to community/advocacy.
Act now:
- Take the CQSS2030 “How Sustainable Are You?” quiz to find out how sustainable you are and what you can do to improve your sustainability.
- Social Media plays a significant role in encouraging participation. Be sure to share your Earth Day activities using these suggested hashtags: #InvestInOurplanet #WhatWillYouDo #EarthDay #EarthDayEveryDay #ClimateChange #Environment #Sustainability #TakeAction
- Earth Day can be celebrated and acknowledged through an array of activities. Whether it be individually by pledging to go an entire day without plastic, picking up rubbish from your neighbourhood, or participating in a community clean-up day. Check out the 52 ways to Invest In Our Planet for some awesome actions and tips that you can do to make a difference to the planet every day.
Check out the amazing impact a group of volunteers had on the Tunuba (Fitzroy River).
Find an Earth Day event happening near you here or register your own!