Cross-regional tour: lessons from the field
Posted on June 19th, 2017
Leading onground outcomes for better business, land management and conservation can be tricky; it requires staying up-to-date with current research, best-management practice and what’s happening in the community. Not just locally, but also further afield. That’s a lot of research and reading, unless of course you talk directly with those leading the way.
In June, grazing extension staff from the Fitzroy and Burnett/Mary regions went on a 3-day tour to find out what’s happening north of Fitzroy Basin boundaries. What they experienced was both informative and inspiring – below are some of the best snippets from this Reef Extension and Education Program tour.
Day 1 – Freckle Farm, Eton (south-west of Mackay)
Deb McLucas and Rob Bauman explain what it takes to supply, fresh great-tasting food to local customers whilst rehabilitating a tired cane farm – chemical-free. Watch the video or contact them now to arrange your visit.
Day 2 – Glen Alpine Station (west of Bowen)
Highly motivated and award-winning landholders, Barry and Leanne O’Sullivan, share how they’ve survived drought and grown community good-will and their grazing business based on soil health and Grazing BMP. Watch the video now.
Day 3 – SeaSim Centre, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville
Matt Kenway takes you on a tour of Australia’s world-leading research centre that is helping scientists uncover the answers we need to protect our Great Barrier Reef. Take a virtual tour online.
Day 3 – CSIRO Lansdown Pasture Research Station, Woodstock (west of Townsville)
Researcher Dr Rob Kinley provides an overview of a research project that could change the face of farming and dramatically reduce stock methane emissions with seaweed. Read more about the project here.
This regional tour was hosted by Fitzroy Basin Association through funding from the Queensland Government.