CQSS Competition Winners Announced
Posted on September 14th, 2020
ONE thousand, two hundred and seventy-eight central Queensland residents partook in Fitzroy Basin Association’s (FBA) 2020 Natural Asset Survey, providing critical information on environmental priorities.
We are currently reviewing and updating the Central Queensland Sustainability Strategy 2030 (aka CQSS:2030), which provides overarching guidance on how best to manage our region’s natural assets. Aimed to ensure a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable future, FBA called for community input through an online survey.
Seeking optimal community input, the Natural Asset Survey was launched in June 2020 along with the biggest competition FBA had ever ran.
The competition set to award a local business, education provider and community group with over $5,000 to invest into an environmental project of their choosing. Additionally, every time a survey was finished, another dollar was added to the prize pool and the respondent nominated a local organisation they wished to see win.
News of the competition quickly spread around the region, sparking an influx of entries. A week before the close of the competition completed surveys doubled their worth – adding $2 to the prize pool instead of one.
At 9am Monday, 20 July the survey officially closed with 1,278 entries received.
A few weeks later, a random pick selected the lucky winners. We are pleased to announce the following winners-
Winner of the Community category – Great Keppel Alliance
Winner of the Business category – JRT Civil Pty Ltd
Winner of the Educational category – C&K nGundanoo Imbabee Community Child Care Centre
We are now working with the winners to assist them to bring their environmental project to life. While the projects are in their infancy, C&K nGundanoo Imbabee Community Child Care Center have already created firm plans to build a bird, bee, butterfly, and frog friendly garden.
The childcare centre intends to invite the best local knowledge to help them design the garden and teach children. C&K’s Director, Karen Hebron, and her staff worked hard to attract votes for the centre and were thrilled to be drawn as a winner.
“Children learn so much more from nature than plastic playthings. We consider nature to be the third teacher. Winning allows us to implement things that would otherwise just stay dreams. We are looking forward to working with experts in our local community to create a reserve for native wildlife and our students,” Karen said.

FBA will work alongside all three winners over the coming months. Keep an eye on our social media channels for project updates.