Breeder Management Workshops a hit
Posted on April 20th, 2023
In late March through early April, Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) hosted multiple two-day breeder management workshops throughout central Queensland.
Graziers came from all over to get their hands dirty at the highly attended workshops.
The workshops led by FBA were presented by veterinarian, Dr Ian Braithwaite who specilaises in pregnancy testing services. Dr Braithwaite is passionate about supporting the beef industry to become more sustainable. By getting graziers to integrate their herd production systems with financial and ecological management to make better business wide decisions.

At these workshops, attendees learnt:
- How to improve the productivity of your breeding herd
- How to use preg-testing and feotal ageing information to
- How to identify poor performing cows at the pregnancy
- How to balance animal production and pasture use to improve land condition and reduce run-off

Bianca Collins from Annadale Acres Droughtmasters said, “I never thought I would be doing this. Thanks to FBA and Dr Braithwaite, I gained so much knowledge and my confidence grew in leaps and bounds.”
Amazing feedback from the workshops started rolling in immediately. Workshop attendee, Beck Spooner couldn’t wait to go home and try out her new skills. Even the mud and the rain couldn’t dampen her spirits.
“I had the most phenomenal two days, I am so grateful to FBA for arranging these workshops. Dr Braithwaite was the most incredible and patient teacher. I have learnt so many new skills and made invaluable connections”.
FBA’s Land Management Officer, Sophie Wilkins said she was thrilled with how the workshops went and couldn’t wait to see some of her new connections at future workshops.
The Water Quality and Soil Improvements in Grazing and Cropping Enterprises in the Fitzroy program is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust with support from Fitzroy Basin Association.