Paul Walmsley
Paul became Regional Director, Department of Primary Industries in 2003, and today is Regional Director, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, supporting the state Government to position Agriculture as a key pillar of the Queensland Economy.
Paul believes that the strength of the regions is in our ability to understand the needs of our customers and to respond effectively with services that support individuals to grow their businesses as successful, viable enterprises. Paul was appointed to the FBA Board in 2016.
“Agribusiness development in the region is my core business and I’m very big on collaborative service delivery. Working with other agencies to improve agriculture in the region and finding better ways to do business all-round is critical for our future. I feel very passionate about ensuring our customers get the best they can from Government.
I believe FBA plays an important and significant role in creating the conditions we all need for sustainable land use, and I’m proud to be involved with an organisation that maintains clear priorities and programs for continuous improvement of our region’s natural assets.
In my personal life I’m involved in land management through the eight horses we agist on our 33 acres between Yeppoon and Mt Barmoya.”