A sustainable central Queensland is up to all of us
Posted on February 2nd, 2022
Central Queensland’s Sustainability Strategy 2030 (CQSS2030) is a roadmap to guide us on our journey towards a sustainable future.
Central Queensland (CQ) is an important part of a much bigger picture. What we do in our backyard impacts people, communities, businesses, and economies far beyond our own.
The CQSS2030 plan draws on the best available scientific knowledge, as well as global, Australian and Queensland targets, and marries them with what our regional communities want for their future.
It has been designed to help guide individuals, families, businesses, groups, and organisations as well as government. That’s because to achieve a sustainable future, we need everyone working at all levels towards the same goals.

There are many ways you can be involved! Our CQSS2030 targets are big, and strategies are, by their very nature, quite broad. This means there’s room for everyone to play a role in ways that are best suited to them.
Your input is vital to the expansion of CQSS2030 and how it is applied. So, we’d love to know what you think are the biggest threats to our natural assets in CQ. Taking this survey will help us build a clearer picture of what is happening across our region. Your insights will help us find better ways to care for our natural assets and support our region.
Celebrating community action stories that contribute to sustainability from our region is a great way to demonstrate the many ways individuals, organisations and volunteers can have an impact. The CQSS2030 website showcases many stories that inspire and encourage. If you want to tell your story of improving CQ sustainability we would love to hear it. Simply upload your project with a hero image and share your inspiration with others.

Every action, no matter how big or small, can make a difference! In the CQSS2030, six natural assets are identified that need attention. These are:

There are five main activity types that can impact these assets. Education and Capacity Building, Monitoring and Reporting, Onground Management, Research, Development, and Innovation and, Personal Lifestyle are ways your actions can care for CQ.
Your contributions to these activities may also impact across more than one of the natural assets. To help you think about what your individual and group actions can achieve, this table lists the way the activities you participate in have an impact on our natural assets.
The most important thing to remember is that you can make a difference right here, right now.
You can get started by telling us how sustainable you are and tell us what you are doing to care for CQ by taking this quick quiz and be on you way to helping achieve a more sustainable CQ by 2030.
Visit CQSS2030 now to explore what you can do.