A Day of Celebrations – FBA’s AGM & Streambank Stabilisation Project unveiled
Posted on October 30th, 2019
Thursday, 17 October was a day of celebration for Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) and key stakeholders. Centred around FBA’s Annual General Meeting, the day was an opportunity to reflect on the huge achievements obtained during the 2018-19 financial year. An audience of 120 (made up of landholders, key stakeholders and dignitaries) travelled from around the state to celebrate and see one of FBA’s largest achievement to date.
The 2018-19 financial year saw rapid evolution of the natural resource management sector, creating with it new and exciting opportunities. These opportunities allowed FBA to explore new horizons through collaborations and cover a wider breadth of our region than ever before. Testament to this is FBA’s first large-scale riverbank restoration project.
The 1.2km-long Fitzroy River streambank stabilisation project is an FBA and Australian-first. Additionally, it is currently the largest river restoration project in Australia. The $1.8 million project, delivered by FBA and jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA), was completed in the wake of 2017’s Severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie.
During Server Tropical Cyclone Debbie, the now rehabilitated stretch of the Fitzroy River (known as Site 7) in Yaamba retreated approximately 20 metres, mobilising 266,000 tonnes of sediment into the waterway. Aerial surveys of the Fitzroy River following the natural disaster identified Site 7 for urgent repair.
For six months, the project created 12 full-time jobs in the region, and collaboration with Rockhampton Regional Council and Livingstone Shire Council saw more than 75,000 native trees supplied to FBA to further stabilise the banks. It is estimated this project will save 90,000 tonnes of sediment from entering the river system with long-term benefits to not only the local waterways but also to the health of the iconic Great Barrier Reef.
While the statistics are impressive, the magnitude of the restoration site cannot be felt through a photograph. For the first time, FBA and property landholders (the Schneiders and Baggetts) welcomed guests to the restored riverbank.
Under the shade of a marquee, attendees gained a deeper understanding of fluvial geomorphology from none other than the internationally acclaimed Ross Hardie (Director at Alluvium Consulting Australia). Using a language that all could understand, the project works, and the importance of streambank stabilisation became clear. Adding to Ross’s words, Dr Eva Abal (CEO of International River Foundation) reminded all of the importance of protecting our natural assets and downstream communities for many generations to come.
The event closed with FBA’s CEO Elyse Riethmuller and Chair Sean Conaghan thanking all who were instrumental in bringing the project to fruition. FBA would like to further this by thanking everyone who attended the event and made the day of celebrations so special.
For those who could not attend, please enjoy these captured moments from the day.
Ainsley McArthur with Noela and Mick Alexander Malcolm Wells, Darryl Ebenezer and Sabrina Burke Jeff and Karen Mills with Ron Darryl Ebenezer, Vicki Horsman and Paul Birch Bethlea Bell, Shelly McArdle and Lisa DelRiccio FBA’s 2019 AGM Shannon van Nunen addressing the crowd FBA Board member Lurlene Henderson enjoying the 2019 Annual Report FBA’s CEO Elyse Riethmuller – Master of Ceremonies Sherie Bruce and Shannon van Nunen FBA’s 2018-2019 achievements outlined in FBA’s Annual Report FBA’s Chair Sean Conaghan closing the 2019 AGM Attendees and FBA staff members mingling over lunch Local landholders Judy and Wayne Keleher Kelvin Wykes, Scott Boden and Scott Day Brad Holt, Nick Smith and Steve Elson after lunch Moving from the AGM to the streambank celebration FBA’s CEO Eylse Riethmuller and Board Member Ben Lawrie enjoying a relaxing moment FPRH Executive Officer Leigh Stitz enjoying the guided bus tour Guests arriving at the streambank stabilisation site 120 invited guests arriving at the streambank stabilisation site FBA’s Glencore TechConnect Tent welcoming guests A spot of shade on the sunny October day FBA’s CEO Elyse Riethmuller welcoming guests FBA’s CEO Elyse Riethmuller kicking off the celebration! Attendees enjoying their new FBA caps Wade Mann sharing the significance of the Toonooba and the land on which we gathered to himself and our region’s Traditional Owner groups Guests being welcomed to country by Wade Mann Guest speaker Ross Hardie (Director at Alluvium Consulting Australia) inspiring all with his passion for riverbank restoration Ross using incredible analogies to outline the importance of rivers and how to best heal them Guest speaker Dr Eva Abal (CEO of International River Foundation) Dr Abal adding to Ross’s powerful words by tieing in the cultural importance of riverbank resilience Elyse thanking Mr Hardie and Dr Abal for their contributions to the celebration FBA’s Glencore TechConnect Tent providing shade and a different perspective of the stabilised streambank Afternoon refreshments Alluvium’s Misko Ivezich, FBA’s Elyse Riethmuller, Robert Cameron, Director General of Emergency Management Australia and Cameron Dick, Minister responsible for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority addressing media Alluvium’s Misko Ivezich, FBA’s Elyse Riethmuller, Robert Cameron, Director General of Emergency Management Australia and Cameron Dick, Minister responsible for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority addressing media Alluvium’s Misko Ivezich, FBA’s Elyse Riethmuller, Robert Cameron, Director General of Emergency Management Australia and Cameron Dick, Minister responsible for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority addressing media Paul Birch, Robert Cameron, FBA’s Elyse Riethmuller and Cameron Dick Elyse Riethmuller and Misko Ivezich discussing the riverbank Aerial shot of the stabilised streambank Attendees enjoying a guided tour of the riverbank Aerial shot of the stabilised streambank FBA Officer, Reece Brooks enjoying the view Attendees enjoying a VR flyover of the streambank under the Glencore TechConnect Tent FBA officer Dan Rea explaining the VR experience to attendee Site 7 landholders Jeff, Scott and Kellie Schneider Farmer, John Howlie and Scott Schneider JRT Group Director, Jason Thomasson with Paul Birch The mighty Fitzroy River FBA Board members Ben Lawrie and Ainsley McArthur with FBA Officers Pamela Jeffery and Reece Brooks Alluvium’s Misko Ivezich and Steve Skull Steve Elson and NQDT Brad Holt discussing the project site FBA’s CEO Elyse Riethmuller thanking landholder Scott Schneider FBA’s CEO Elyse Riethmuller thanking key project manager John Howlie FBA’s Chair Sean Conaghan closing the celebration