2018 in Review – FBA’s Major Achievements
Posted on December 10th, 2018
2018 was a huge year for Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA). To celebrate the close of the calendar year we have compiled this list of major achievements.
- FBA celebrates 21 years with events across the region. Click the above image to learn more.
- To encapsulate 21-years of protecting natural resources FBA has published its second history book titled Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. Celebrating our 21-year Journey. Click the above image to learn more.
- FBA produces its first podcast series titled The Ripple Effect.Click the above image to learn more.
- FBA hosts Joel Salatin, the internationally renowned regenerative farmer, in April for a series of two-day events in Rockhampton and Emerald. Click the above image to watch.
- 2018 marks the conclusion of several long-term projects lead by FBA. Combined, these projects have left an enduring legacy in every corner of our 156,000km2 region. Click the above image to learn more.
- Bio-control facility was established in conjunction with the Rockhampton Regional City Council and funded by the Australian Government Reef program. Click the above image to learn more.
- Yeppoon at the centrestage for 2018 Reef Champion Awards. Click the above image to learn more.
- In a two-day visit, 8 local graziers involved in Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) projects met with 10 graziers from the Burdekin region to explore how reducing sediment runoff from their properties are having documented results.
- Meet FBA newest board members – Ainsley McArthur, Ben Lawrie and Dan Yates. Click the above image to learn more.
- FBA conducted eDNA testing at 15 sites, with zero detectable increase in Tilapia. Click the above image to learn more.
- Success for Team Turtle CQ – 135 successfully emerged hatchlings recorded
- 4000+ students visited FBA’s stall during the 2018 Beef Australia event. Click the above image to learn more.
- After welcoming over 27,000 guest over six years Flow undergoes it’s first major update. Click the above image to learn more.
- FBA welcomes a new streamline website. While you’re here have a look around.
- Ian MacGibbon and John Grimes were inducted as FBA life members. Click the above image to learn more.