Clarke-Connors Range Koala Protection Project
Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) and CQUniversity (CQU) are inviting landholders in the Clarke-Connors Range to participate in their Koala Protection Project. Populations of koalas have thrived in this area while experiencing declines in other regions. This project aims to partner with landholders to ensure the ongoing health of the koala population into the future.
FBA is inviting landholders in the project area to participate in the project, potentially receiving funding to assist with habitat management and to contribute their knowledge of local koalas.

The first step in this project is data collection. The data will be used to make a meaningful koala management plan for the Clarke-Connors Range and to track the results of on-ground action.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Mark Schultz FBA (07) 4999 2814 | Dr Rolf Schlagloth CQUniversity (07) 4930 6964 |
This project is supported by Fitzroy Basin Association through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
Privacy Collection Notice
CQUniversity (CQU), on behalf of the Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA), is collecting your contact details and knowledge on koalas to identify project opportunities in the local area and to help measure project outcomes.
As this project is supported through funding from the Australian Government through the Regional Land Partnership (RLP) program, de-identified findings from the project will be provided to the Australian Government as part of FBA’s reporting obligations. FBA and CQU are committed to taking all reasonable steps under the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) to protect your personal information that we hold from misuse, interference, loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. This survey has also been approved by CQU Human Ethics Research Committee (HREC-ID 23200) and as such, all data will be handled and stored under strict, secure and controlled conditions.
If you experience discomfort completing this survey
There is no anticipated risk to you greater than that of inconvenience for the time taken to complete the paper-based or online survey.
You may experience inconvenience in giving up your time to complete this survey. We do not anticipate that participation in this research will cause you any undue discomfort beyond that experienced in normal day to day living. However, if you are concerned, please consider viewing the support available at or contacting your General Practitioner or Lifeline on 131114.