Building Resilience – Cyclone Flood Recovery

Building Resilience - Ex-tropical Cyclone Oswald Flood Recovery

In January 2013, excessive rain from Ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald—800mm over 20 hours—triggered massive flooding in areas, higher than previously seen. The rain event caused major structural damage to fencing and water infrastructure, as well as land degradation through erosion. Recovery work was completed through funding from the Queensland Government's Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald On-farm Productivity and Riparian Restoration Program. FBA and our local delivery partners FRCC and DCCA, worked with landholders in the worst affected areas to repair the damage. On-ground restoration activities included streambank stabilisation and riparian restoration; gully stabilisation and soil conservation; and farm infrastructure restoration. The program also supported and promoted on-farm productivity, and enhanced local landscape, waterway and ecosystem capacity, and resilience to manage the impacts of future events.

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