Waterways and wetlands
Running through our landscape like veins, our creeks, rivers, underground aquifers and wetlands provide lifeblood for our Region. Fresh water is what allows our industries and communities, and wildlife to thrive.
With over 20,000km of waterways including six major river systems that comprise the largest catchment (the Fitzroy Basin) draining into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Over 4,800 gigalitres flows from the mouth of the Fitzroy River into the ocean each year. Even more fresh water enters our coastal and marine areas via the Fitzroy regions six coastal catchments.
Learn more about:
CQ freshwater rivers and wetlands
Trends and pressures impacting these areas and their importance in the Fitzroy Region.
Fitzroy Basin waterway health
Annual condition reports on the state of waterways in the Fitzroy Basin.
Rivers and wetlands in the region
Maps, stats and facts to explore and explain Fitzroy region’s freshwater environments.
Walk the Landscape - Calliope
Stories, facts and interactive maps of the Calliope Catchment, including waterways and wetlands.