National Volunteer Week 2020
Posted on May 25th, 2020
National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration that acknowledges the generous contributions of volunteers. FBA works with many volunteers and community groups located across the Fitzroy Basin who work hard to protect natural assets. To celebrate this important occasion, we put the spotlight on a few of these outstanding volunteers and the contributions they have made.

Malcolm Wells
Malcolm is the president of Capricorn Coast Landcare Group Inc and a tireless volunteer. The Capricorn Coast Landcare Group has been operating in Yeppoon since 1987. One of their current projects is revegetating and restoring beach dunes on Farnborough Beach. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Malcolm has taken on extra weeding duties.

Noel Sands
Noel Sands is a fossil-loving member of the Mt Etna OGREs (Old Guys Restoring Ecosystems) and a champion volunteer!
Noel regularly volunteers to maintain old and new revegetation projects in Mt Etna National Park and at Capricorn Caves. He is a valued member of the OGREs team and our community. We love your work Noel!

Kim Price
Kim is a Calliope local who dedicates countless hours to his local environment and the native animals who call it home. Over the years, Kim has worked to help threatened CQ species, like the Tinker Frog and Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat.
Currently, Kim is working with a team of other volunteers to breed a superbug (Jewel Beetles) that eats an invasive weed (Cats Claw Creeper).

Ann Hobson
Ann is a pillar of the Theodore community. She works extremely hard to help fellow community members protect and enhance natural assets; including those working in agriculture.
Thanks so much for all your hard work Ann!

Conservation Volunteers Australia
The Caring for the Curtis Coast team are a dedicated group of local community members who donate their own time to care for our beautiful coastline and waterways. The team work tirelessly to improve our natural environment through activities like marine debris collection, tree planting, dune restoration and weed control. Plus, they also put on a great morning tea! Thanks for all the hard work team!

Ian Anderson
Ian is a tireless volunteer who wears many hats…He is a key player in our Team Turtle CQ project monitoring marine turtles and mentoring other volunteers. He gets elbow deep in stormwater rubbish so we can determine the littering habits in our region (Drain Buddies project). Lastly, Ian a marine debris super cleaner. He has travelled as far as Cape York to participate in beach clean-ups.

Arthur Hunt
Arthur is a regular volunteer with both Capricorn Coast Landcare Group Inc and North Keppel Island Environmental Education Centre P&C. Recently Arthur spearheaded a community project to control weeds and plant more native vegetation along North Keppel Island’s beach dunes. This work will stabilise the dunes, ensuring that the important habitat can continue to support native species – like marine turtles.

Paul Mitchel (AKA PK)
PK is a self-confessed marine turtle enthusiast. He is a valued member of Team Turtle CQ, Marine Wildlife Stranding Network, Mon Repos Turtle Centre and Quoin Island Rehabilitation Centre!
Paul’s contributions to these groups have seen him help countless marine turtles along the east coast of Australia. If it weren’t for COVID-19 travel restrictions, Paul would be in Costa Rica right now, volunteering his knowledge with their Leatherback Conservation Program.