Free outdoor movie and twilight walks to raise awareness of waterway health
Posted on October 22nd, 2015
Have you ever wondered what the wildlife of Moores Creek gets up to at night? This is your chance to find out!
Join Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) and Greening Australia at Judds Park, Norman Road this Friday 23 October to explore the creek, meet some wildlife friends then kick back and watch The Lorax on the outdoor big screen.
FBA Project Officer Kelly Smith said the community is excited about the movie night and twilight creek walks, and is expecting a big turn-out for the event.
“We’re trying something a bit different to tie in with the Great Barrier Reef Clean-Up this year. As well as the twilight walks – a bush walk and marine debris clean up, we will be screening The Lorax — a free, family movie with an eco-conscious message,” Ms Smith said.
“Another highlight of the night is the opportunity to get up close and personal to local creek critters including a Barn Owl, Frilled neck and Blue tongue lizards, Black-headed pythons and Prickly knob tail gecko.
“Bring your camera as the kids will meet ‘Mindi’ the barramundi, and local organisations and community groups will be on hand to share information on waterway health.
“There will also be food vans and bean bags for hire – all under the twinkling stars,” she said.
Staff from FBA, Greening Australia, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Rockhampton Mountain Bike Club will be on hand to answer questions.
Stallholders will include Wildlife Encounters, Capricornia Catchments, Native Plants Queensland, Multicultural Association and local artist Amber Countryman.
Ms Smith said the evening will start at 5.30 pm and is coordinated by Greening Australia and supported by FBA through funding from the Australian Government.
It offers an ideal opportunity to spend time with family while learning more about the connection Moores Creek has to the Great Barrier Reef.
“Our local creeks are directly connected to the Great Barrier Reef, so it’s important to remember that our actions can impact the water quality and health of our waterways as well as the Reef.
“It’s especially important to keep our waterways clean and litter-free so that rubbish doesn’t end up on the Reef.
Those wishing to participate should remember to bring a torch and wear closed-in shoes,” she said.
For more information about the evening, contact FBA on (07) 4999 2800 or visit www.fba.org.au.