RCS KIT Field Day – Thangool QLD
This is your personal invitation to attend a free RCS “Keep in Touch” (KIT) Day in your region. Please invite a friend!
KIT days are an opportunity for like-minded people to gather on a property to discuss topics relevant to that region and see firsthand how RCS principles are being applied in similar land types and production systems.
Discussion Topics
→ How to achieve herd impact with minimal cost
→ How to restart the system coming out of a dry period with no feed
→ Cost/price squeeze: relating the three secrets of profit back to on-farm practices
9:30am Smoko (Thangool SS P&C home bakes available for $2 each)
10:00am Introduction to ‘McDonalds’ by Brett and Pip Krafft
10:20am Facilitated discussion
12:30pm Lunch (BYO chair, lunch and water)
1:30pm Property tour and discussion
4:00pm Wrap up and finish
Contact RCS to RSVP
P: 1800 356 004
E: info@rcsaustralia.com.au
W: www.rcsaustralia.com.au