Grazing for soil carbon

Tuesday 17 September 2024 | Time 10am – 3pm

3351 Barfield Road, Banana QLD 4702
Join Adam and Tracy Gunthorpe on their soil carbon journey and hear about their successful generation of carbon credits. Learn about:

grazing management and multi-species pastures to increase soil carbon

the role of soil carbon projects to reach carbon neutral and new Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) demo site

how to participate in a soil carbon project.
The Gunthorpe’s soil carbon project has generated 9214 ACCUs across 550 ha in two years.
Hear about the grazing practices used to build soil carbon and what’s involved in implementing a soil carbon project.
Walk the MLA Producer Demonstration Site developed with soil carbon provider AgriProve.
The project aims to support red meat producers to understand the impact of soil carbon on the carbon intensity of their enterprise.

The day will also feature:
Soil carbon journey and management practices – Adam Gunthorpe, Gunthorpe Cattle Co.
Soil carbon projects and demo site overview – Melanie Addinsall & Bill Hyem, AgriProve
MLA sustainability update – Julia Waite, Meat & Livestock Australia
Co-benefit opportunities – Verterra
Soil carbon sampling demonstration – Verterra

Lunch provided
For more information contact: Bill Hyem
+61 428 431 732 or

More info:

4. Grazing for Soil Carbon Field Day – Banana


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Event Times

10:00 am - 03:00 pm Tuesday 17th September, 2024

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