Discover sensational Sandy Point
Posted on November 3rd, 2015
One of our region’s most spectacular coastal locations is not usually easy to access by the general public, but all this will change on Saturday 7 November from 8.45am until 1pm!
Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) and Capricornia Catchments Inc. (CC) are encouraging people to bring their family and friends to discover the beauty of Sandy Point, located just north of Yeppoon and part of an internationally significant Ramsar wetland – Corio Bay.
CC Executive Officer Jeff Krause said the third annual Sandy Point Discovery Day is jam-packed with family friendly activities and informative presentations about our local environment.
“Located next to a bay fed by Water Park and Fishing Creeks, with a beautiful sandy beach, intact native vegetation and a stunning backdrop of the Byfield Ranges and National Park – Sandy Point is a must see! ” Mr Krause said.
“This free event has it all. Face painting for the kids, live music, free morning tea and lunch and access to local groups and organisations passionate about the area, sharing their knowledge of the importance of Sandy Point and the Ramsar Wetland; native flora and wildlife; migratory shorebirds; crocodiles; and community stewardship.”
“Also this year Paddle Capricornia will provide two short Kayak Tours, subject to weather and conditions apply, and Keppel Island Conservation Community will be sending up a drone with a camera attached to capture aerial images of the Bay and Point.”
“Sandy Point and Corio Bay has come under increased pressure over the years due to human use and extreme weather events, so we want people to celebrate and care for this area,” he said.
Coastal conservation is the key focus for the Surfrider Foundation. John McGrath from the Capricorn Coast Branch said they are pairing up with the Sunshine Coast Branch for this event to share insights on community and beachside conservation, common experiences and challenges.
“When it comes to looking after outstanding natural places, it is amazing how a number of community groups will come together under a common goal,” Mr McGrath said.
A bus will operate to take people from the Capricorn Resort turn off, leaving from opposite the old fuel station at 8am and dropping back at 1.45pm.
Self-drive is an option if you have a 2WD or 4WD vehicle, follow the signs from the old fuel station near the Resort to Sandy Point, please note parking space is limited and please RSVP for catering.
The event is supported by Fitzroy Basin Association through funding from the Australian Government. Presenters include Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, CC, Birdlife Capricornia, Paddle Capricornia, Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Capricorn Branch, Native Plants Queensland, Keppel Island Conservation Community, Surfrider Foundation- Sunshine Coast and Capricorn branches.
For catering purposes, to reserve your spot on the bus and to book the kayak tour please RSVP by Wednesday 4 November to Janeen at CC on (07) 4921 0573 or email admin@capcatchments.org.au
Please wear closed-in shoes, a hat, sunscreen, sun-safe attire and bring a water bottle. Kayak tours are limited and participants must be 18 or older, able to swim and have a reasonable level of fitness.