Achieving great things for our reef, our region, our future – Part 4
Posted on November 28th, 2017
This November we’ve shared 4 short case studies that showcase the diversity and dedication of our team and community as we work together for a sustainable future and to protect our Great Barrier Reef. In this last post, we share some of the great work our coastal volunteers are undertaking and encourage you to support them at their next event.
Read Part 1 – CASE STUDY 1: Gully Erosion in the Fitzroy Basin
Read Part 2 – CASE STUDY 2: DIY with training and workshops
Read Part 3 – CASE STUDY 3: Connecting community, landscape and reef in Rockhampton CBD
CASE STUDY 4: Community coastal cleanups, marine turtle monitoring and more
Looking after our landscape, community and reef also involves looking after our creeks, coastlines and native critters. This often involves picking up rubbish, weeding and replanting critical areas, raising community awareness of best practice, and keeping an eye on the progress of key species. Through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, FBA supports a range of community groups and initiatives each year to achieve this work. None of it would be possible without the assistance of our coastal delivery partner Capricornia Catchments and the dedication and passion of community volunteers – each year they volunteer 1000’s of hours to look after our coastal areas.