Improving Groundcover

The Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program can help graziers improve poor and degraded land and meet the requirements under the Reef protection regulations.
From 1 December 2021, graziers in the Fitzroy must comply with minimum practice agricultural standards that requires graziers to take action where land is in poor or degraded condition.
The Reef protection regulations aim to reduce agricultural and industrial sources of nutrient and
sediment pollution flowing to the Great Barrier Reef.
What changes for me?
Properties with land in C and D condition must take action to improve land condition (taking account of drought). Primary producers in all Reef catchments must begin keeping records of any action or measure taken on commercial properties to improve land condition.
Minimum standards apply to grazing in the Fitzroy from 1 December 2021. Reef protection regulations do not apply to non-commercial properties.
What is GRASS?
• 3-year project between Queensland Government, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, FBA, Burnett Mary Regional Group and NQ Dry Tropics
• Provide direct support to graziers in order to meet their obligations and improve land condition
What does GRASS involve?
• Developing Land Management Plans
• Receiving tailored advice
• Undertaking actions to improve land condition
What are the benefits?
• Opportunity to improve productivity and grazing lands
• Considered as low priority for compliance for the duration of your active participation in the project
Want to learn more or get involved?
Fill in the form below and one of FBA’s Accredited Agricultural Advisors will contact you.
The GRASS program is funded by the Queensland Government’s Reef Water Quality Program and is delivered by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Burnett Mary Regional Group, Fitzroy Basin Association and NQ Dry Tropics.