How to Prevent and Remediate Gully Erosion
Erosion caused by wind and water can strip land of valuable topsoil, decreasing productivity and (in its most destructive form) create gullies. To help land managers in central Queensland prevent and remediate erosion on their properties FBA teamed up with Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) to make a five-part educational video series.
The video series features soil conservation experts John Day and Geoff Titmarsh, along with technical experts from FBA and BMRG. Starting with the basics and building up to high input gully remediation structures, the videos are a great introduction to effective options for CQ soils and landscapes.
Watch the videos now:

For land managers located in the Fitzroy region wanting more comprehensive information a 90-page gully erosion manual is available on request.
Created by John Day and Bob Shepherd, the manual explores, in detail, gully prevention and rehabilitation methods. The manual includes case studies, detailed construction information and critical components for many erosion control structures.
To request a manual please fill in the form below: