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Case Studies & Snapshots Resources

Wetlands Case Study

Torilla wetlands case study

A Queensland Wetlands Program case study focusing on integrating high value grazing and wetland management on Torilla Plain.

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CQ graziers talk about why FBA programs matter to them

CQ graziers talk about why FBA programs matter to them

FBA helps graziers implement property and management improvement practices to increase profitability, productivity and sustainability. A number of Reef Trust A-Class Grazing participants talk about why the program matters to them

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Contour Banks Case Study

Contour Banks Case Study

Making the most of the land he manages is the key to running a successful enterprise, according to Andrew Wedel.

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Fencing land types case study

Fencing land types - If you fence it, they will eat it

Making cattle eat the right grass in the right place is a lot like forcing a child to eat their vegetables - it’s difficult. When cattle find a more desirable grass species in a level, shady spot, they stick around.

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Kroombit Tops Threatened Species Fact Sheet

FBA's Kroombit Tops Threatened Species Fact Sheet

Kroombit Tops National Park, located between Monto and Calliope in the Boyne Valley is a unique rainforest landscape, home to a number of significant animal and reptile species. Download this fact sheet to learn more.

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Personalised property visits for tailored grazing solutions

Personalised property visits for tailored grazing solutions

When Sue and David Walmsley purchased Walm-ley in 2009, the 214 hectare Droughtmaster cattle stud was in poor condition. The soil was compacted and eroding, and its pastures were degraded. Walm-ley is just 6 km south of Injune and bordered by Injune Creek. It was clear its land condition had to improve so the Walmsleys grazing business would be sustainable, and their valuable soil would not be washed away and onto the Great Barrier Reef.

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Benefits of undertaking Grazing BMP

Benefits of undertaking Grazing BMP

Central Queensland graziers talk about how they've benefited from undertaking Grazing BMP and how it's helping them to improve their production, management and land condition.

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Students share water quality project lessons

Students share water quality project lessons

When Emerald Agricultural College livestock manager Andrew Lewis approached CHRRUP and Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) to apply for funding through the Australian Government’s Reef Programme, he knew the small project had the potential to influence a new generation of graziers across Australia.

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Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast

Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast

The ‘Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast’ project worked to restore seagrass communities (critical fish habitat) that are declining due to habitat loss and destruction.

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